Sunday, January 26, 2020
Modern Role of Chiefs in Community Development
Modern Role of Chiefs in Community Development THE ROLE OF TRADITIONAL AUTHORITIES IN THE DECENTRALISATION OF POLITICAL POWER. A STUDY OF THE AKUAPEM TRADITIONAL AREA IN THE EASTERN REGION OF GHANA. AN OUTLINE OF A THESIS Introduction Background to the study Traditional governance system, is an age-old method by which the Indigenous people administered their own affairs prior to and after the advent of the Europeans into the region of modern Ghana. This system of governance is led by leaders multifariously referred to in English as chiefs, traditional authorities, tradi tional rulers, monarchs, kings, nobles, aristocrats, and natural rulers in a variety of African and other context. Traditional system of governance varies considerably among the different peoples that occupied the region of modern Ghana. While some groups developed very complex hierarchical structures, others had simple kin-based structure. Several definitions of traditional societies rely on the distinction between pre-colonial colonial and post-colonial times. For example, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention no. 169 states that: â€Å"A people are considered indigenous either because they are descendants of those who lived in the area before colonization; or because they have maintained their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions since colonization and the establishment of new states. And according to the Martinà ©z Cobo Report to the UN Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination of Minorities (1986), indigenous peoples may be identified as follows: â€Å"Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing in those territories, or parts of them. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories, and their ethnic identity, as the basis of their continued existence as peoples, in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal systems.†The office of traditional Authorities has been transformed as it has performed various functions back from the pre-colonial era through the colonial period to the present. Before the colonial period, traditional rulers had considerable influence and exercised considerable sovereignty within their areas of jurisdiction with their authority in both spiritual and secular matters. During the colonial period, they became virtual sub-agents of the colonial government in the areas of local government and judicial matters. In this period, various legislations and statutes enacted by the colonial authority prescribed the traditional ruler’s political role. Decentralization is basically described as the practice of the administration in a state by which considerable autonomy is given to sub-political governmental bodies at the local level to take decisions and implement programmes and policies. In Ghana it is also known as the local government system or the district assembly concept. The idea behind this system is to get the local people to use local resources to develop their localities. The present local government system has three-tier structure comprising the Regional coordinating council, the District assemblies and the Area, Town and Village Councils or Unit committees. Although the local government system in Ghana dates back to the colonial era, precisely 1859 when the first Councilors for James Town, Accra were elected, the current system is only a few years old precisely 1988 when the PNDC L207 was passed. The 1992 fourth republican constitution of Ghana gives credence to the system under chapter 20 with the title Decentralization and Local Government. The local government act 462 of 1993 has replaced the Local government Law 207 0f 1988. The head of the local government institution is the Minister who is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the operations of the institution. Traditional authority also known as the chieftaincy institution has lived on in Ghanaian society and is still a vibrant force in many ways. However Since independence in 1957, there has been little, if any, effective participation of chiefs in decentralization in Ghana. Indeed, the relationship between chiefs and local government units has been ill-defined, even though the history of local government cannot be written without the institution of chieftaincy. Even though some people argue that chieftaincy and modern local government are incompatible, one should not lose sight of the fact that the deep cynicism of some Ghanaians about politicians and their promises have compelled them to find in traditional authorities something that is â€Å"reassuring rather precisely because of its ambivalent position in what has become the disturbing discourse of failing modernity†(Rathbone, 2000: 164). Traditional Authorities in some time past were involved in local government functions like local development under the Native Authority System during the colonial days. Similarly, during the post-colonial period, the role of traditional Authorities in local governance and development has not been questioned The Ghanaian Constitution recognizes and protects the office of traditional Authority, thus creating a parallel system of governance. In fact, the Constitution forbids the Parliament from making laws that interfere with the chieftaincy institution. Statement of the problem. The office of the traditional Authority has evolved right from the pre colonial period through the colonial era to the establishment of party politics within the region of modern Ghana. Indeed, in Ghana, the institution dates back several centuries and remains the prime custodian of Ghanaian culture. The institution is much revered and held in awe since it provides a renewed sense of belonging as well as being a Powerful agent of social cohesion and harmony. Traditional Authorities are expected to play Lead role in fighting for social, economic and political development of their people and perform arbitration and representational roles as well as have the potential to facilitate accountability to their people. Perhaps these roles have been summarized by the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II (2002). our predecessors engaged in inter-tribal wars, fighting for conquest over territories and people. Today, the war should be vigorous and intensive against dehumanization, poverty, marginalization, ignorance and disease†¦ Chieftaincy must be used to propel economic development through proper lands administration, through facilitating investments in our communities, and through codification and customs and traditions making it impossible for imposters to get enstooled and creating unnecessary situations for litigation. However modern democratic dispensations has restricted the role Traditional Authorities to acting Custodians of tradition and culture as well as the embodiment of the spirit of the ancestors and a link between them and the living Community. Ironically, democratic governance in Ghana, in all ramifications, draws its strength from the traditional governance structure and it is fair to say that national politics would not be this tolerant were it not for the effective and impartial handling of the people by Traditional Authorities, particularly when one considers the stabilizing role they play during national and local elections. Bothtraditionalists and modernistsoften see traditional authority and elected political leaders competing for power in the community. The struggle between the two for political power and legitimacy is seen as a zero-sum game. This is because whatever powers a traditional Authority wrenches from the state is considered as a loss for state leadership. Far from being in competition with elected leaders for the public’s regard, traditional leaders and elected leaders are seen by the public as two sides of the same coin. Popular evaluations of both traditional and elected leaders depend on the leader’s leadership skills. An individual’s level of modernization plays a much smaller role in shaping perceptions of traditional authority. There has been the lack of empirical evidence concerning popular perceptions of how traditional leaders support elected leaders in a democratic system of governance. There is the question as to how much space traditional Authorities should be given within the context of modern democratic decentralization in Ghana. This is because since independence Traditional Authorities have lost virtually all the formal governmental, Judicial and other roles they played before, during and after colonial rule. Nevertheless their status and autonomy is guaranteed under the 1992 constitution of Ghana. Yet not all politicians in Ghanaian society see it as legitimate or are prepared to allow it to work. Even where the legitimacy of traditional leaders is not challenged, their mode of selection and the way they carry out their functions often generate deep concerns. Therefore there are no simple solutions to the question of how to define the role of Traditional Authorities in the decentralisation of pow er in the Ghanaian political systems. Individual local context is important. With many modern and highly educated individuals now occupying positions as traditional leaders in Ghana, it should be possible for the national government to work with these traditional leaders for the development of the country. Significance of the Study The study will provide useful information on the modern role of chiefs in community development. Chieftaincy no doubt is one of the most enduring traditional institutions in Ghana, which has displayed remarkable resilience from pre-colonial through colonial to postcolonial times. Nowadays, chiefs are under pressure to achieve good governance in their traditional areas. They are challenged to integrate tradition and modernity, a process about which there is considerable debate. Also the study will help to identify the role of traditional leaders in the decentralisation of power and demonstrate their active participation in the political development of their communities. Finally study will also add to the knowledge base on the role of traditional Authorities in an increasingly globalised world where the accent is on democracy, human rights, health delivery, and human development and discover if Traditional rulers have really outlived their usefulness. Their ability to come to terms with these challenges will provide an indication of their relevance. Purpose of the study/ Objectives The main objective of the study will be to examine the role of Traditional Authorities in the local governance process in the Decentralisation of power. A study of the Akuapem Traditional area of the Eastern region of Ghana. The specific objectives will include the following. To reveal and analyze the political role of traditional leaders in the decentralisation of Power in democratic Ghana to achieve good governance. To discover the extent of which elected or appointed governments officials allow themselves to be closely linked with the traditional leaders in the political development of the community. To find out the involvement and recognition of traditional Authority in the political process of Ghana’s young democracy in the local area. To discover the relevance of the role of Traditional authorities in the decentralisation of power and how the government can support them without pushing them to oblivion. Access and make recommendations on how Traditional Authority can be incorporated into the formal local government system Research Questions The following research questions will inform the study. What are the roles of traditional Authorities in the decentralisation of power in attaining good governance and political stability? To what extent do elected or appointed governments officials allow themselves to be closely linked with the traditional leaders in the political development of the community. How relevant is the role of traditional Authorities in the decentralisation of power. What kind of institutional framework will help to promote the integration of Traditional Authority into the formal district assembly structure? REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Introduction This chapter examines theories, perspectives, conceptions and models on development, endogenous development, good governance, traditional authorities and local governance. It ends with a discussion of the synergy model of traditional authorities and formal government that will be suitable for the study. Relevant literature will be reviewed. Decentralization is defined as â€Å"any act in which a central government formally cedes powers to actors and institutions at lower levels in a political-administrative and territorial hierarchy†(Ribot 2001: v., citing Mawhood 1983 and Smith 1985). Three main types of decentralisation are commonly identified: †¢ administrative decentralisation or deconcentration i.e. the re-location of branches of the central state to local areas, entailing a transfer of powers to locally-based officials who remain part of, and upwardly accountable to, central government ministries and agencies; †¢ Fiscal decentralisation i.e. the transfer of fiscal resources and revenue-generating powers, inclusive of authority over budgets and financial decisions, to either deconcentrated officials and/or central government appointees or to elected politicians;1 †¢ Political decentralisation or democratic decentralisation or devolution (of power) i.e. the transfer of powers and resources to sub-national authorities which are â€Å"(a) largely or wholly independent of the central government and (b) democratically elected†(Manor 1995: 81-2).2 METHODOLOGY This section will discuss the research design and the methods that will be adopted for collecting and analyzing data. It will also deal with the research design, validation and reliability instrumentation, population, sample and sampling procedures or techniques to be used for the research. Research Design For the approach of the study, a case study will be used as the research design type. According to Babbie (2007:298) a case study is â€Å"the in-depth examination of a single instance of some social phenomenon, such as a village, a family, or juvenile gang†. Also in Wisker (2008:210), Robson (1993:52) opines that a case study is â€Å"a strategy for doing research that involves empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon in its real life context using multiple sources of evidence†. From the two definitions, common features that can be identified are that a case study focuses on a single instance or a particular phenomenon and the in-depth and empirical study of such a phenomenon. The study will also employ the use of descriptive, explorative and cross sectional survey as well as the use of multiple sources of evidence to conduct the study. Population The targeted population will be natives and residents in the Akuapem Traditional area. Sample The sample will be made up of 200 people. The target population will be the of heads of households, traditional authorities and local government officials which will be put into groups of three. Five communities will be randomly sampled from the Akuapem Traditional area. Sampling Technique As a qualitative research, it will involve techniques such as the use interviews, administration questionnaires, and focused group discussion. The interviews will be transcribed coded and analyzed. In selecting participants for the study the researcher will make use of purposive sampling technique. Instrumentation In conducting the study, the researcher will employ conversational interviews for the collection of data. This conversational style of interview will be appropriate and effective because the respondents will feel free to share their views. The interview section will help the researcher to elicit information from direct person- to – person encounter. The interview will be structured and unstructured. This will help the researcher to learn enough so as to formulate questions for subsequent interviews (Merian,Page 75). Data Collection Procedure and Method A questionnaire and interview guide will be administered. Largely data that will be collected will be presented and analyzed qualitatively. Thesis Structure/Organization of the study This study will be organized into five chapters. Chapter one will be made up of the introductory overview of the whole study. This will include the background to the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions and the relevance of the study. Chapter Two will be the review of relevant literature related to the study as well as the theoretical and conceptual issues. Chapter Three will be the research methodology, which will include the description of the study area, target population, sampling procedures, data collection techniques, data analysis and limitations of the study. Chapter Four will present the results of the study. And finally Chapter five will provide the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations. RESULTS AND FINDINGS PROBLEMS/OPEN QUESTIONS REFERENCES K.A Busia, The Position of the chief in the Modern Political System of Ashanti. London: Frank Cass Co., 1968),p.,15. Boafo-Arthur, K. (2006) â€Å"Chieftaincy in Ghana: Challenges and Prospects in the 21st Century†, in Irene Odotei and Albert Awedoba (eds.) Chieftaincy in Ghana: Culture, Governance and Development (Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers), pp. 145-168. Ghana, Republic of (1992) Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992 (Ghana Publishing Corporation: Tema). Ghana, Republic of (1994) Local Government (Urban, Zonal and Town Councils and Units Committees, (Establishment) Instrument, 1994 (Ghana Publishing Corporation: Accra) Owusu, M. (1989) â€Å"Rebellion, Revolution, and Tradition: Reinterpreting Coups in Ghana†, Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 31, No. 2 (April): 380-392. Otumfuo Osei Tutu II (2002) Cited in Kojo Yankah, Osei Tutu II: Tradition in Modern Times, West Africa 29th April-5th May 2002, p. 11. Ray, D.I. (2003a) â€Å"Chiefs in Their Millenium Sandals: Traditional Authority in Ghana – Relevance, Challenges and Prospects†, In Wisdom Tettey, Korbla Puplampu and Bruce Berman (eds.) Critical Perspectives on Politics and Socio Economic Development in Ghana (Brill: Leiden), Chapter 10.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Methods of Interrogation Pows
METHODS OF INTERROGATION OF A PRISONER OF WAR Introduction 1. A ‘Prisoner of War’ is a person, whether combatant or non-combatant, who is held in custody by an enemy power during or immediately after an armed conflict. The treatment of prisoners has always been matter of debate in the world and many declarations and resolutions have been made in this regard including Geneva Convention of 1949. War is a time of confusion and while many suffer from it, there are many who benefit in the fog of it. The military personnel, whenever caught, have to be treated as PsOW and they have certain rights and privileges.The enemy always utilizes this opportunity to the fullest and employs certain obvious and hidden methods to extract information from the PsOW. Rights of a POW 2. The POW can only be interrogated by following the rules and regulations laid down in the Article (v) of Geneva Convention of 1949. A prisoner of war needs only to give his name, number and rank and must remain s ilent on all other matters and resist all enemy efforts to extract information from him. In case his rights are violated, the violators are subject to the provisions of international law and they may be tried by the international criminal court.Methods of Interrogation 3. A number of interrogation techniques have been used of approved for use. They include standard Army methods in compliance with the Third Geneva Convention, as well as other approaches which are either questionable or clearly exceed the strictures protecting POWs. Several of the latter may also violate other limitations outside the scope of human imagination. 4. Numerous devices may be effectively employed by the interrogator to establish mental contact or rapport with POW. At the outset it should be emphasized that the objective of an interrogation is seldom, if ever, to obtain an admission or a confession.The subject is interrogated for accurate and reliable information. Several common methods interrogation which are being used for the purpose by interrogators are briefly discussed below. (a)Show of Knowledge or â€Å"We know all†. In this method, the interrogator familiarizes himself with all available data on the POW and his unit or whatever subject is being explored. He asks questions to which he already has the answers and scornfully answers them himself when the POW hesitates. He is striving to convince the POW that he already knows all the POW does so that resistance is wasted effort.When the prisoner starts giving correct information and answers freely, a few â€Å"mystery†questions can be slipped in. Dummy questions should still be used from time to time to test the POW, to conceal from him the fact that he is giving new information, and to prevent him from realizing that he is â€Å"spilling the beans†. (b)Stool Pigeons. Enemies infiltrate their own men in the POW camps under the garb of PsOW from other units or services. They make PsOW discuss various aspects of service amongst themselves and extract information. (c)Consolation.Innocent looking folks like servants, guards, sweepers try to console the PsOW offer small favour and then make efforts to get the required information. (d)Bugging. The camps and residences etc of PsOW are bugged and their conversation taped. (e)Favours. Money and other Favours are offered and assurances given that no damage will be done to the individual, if he cooperates. (f)Recruitment. A few PsOW are recruited and then utilized for collection of information from other PsOW. (g)Direct approach. In this method the interrogator seemingly â€Å"lays the cards on the table†, apparently makes no attempt to hide the purpose of the questioning.This approach should be used only in cases where the interrogator assumes or knows that the person interrogated will not refuse to give information. (h)Rapid fire questioning. This method consists of a rapidly delivered series of questions which keeps the POW constantly o n the defensive and off balance thereby weakening resistance an/ or his determination to give evasive answers. When this approach is employed the POW often loses patience, becomes angry, offended, or confused, and begins to talk in self defense. (j)Emotional approach. This method consists of playing upon the emotions of a person in order to bring out the required information.When using this method, the interrogator creates an atmosphere of emotional confusion designed to reduce security consciousness. The emotional approach utilizes hate, revenge, fear, jealousy, sadness, pity, and similar emotions. It also exploits religious and patriotic feelings, sense of social duty, and other concepts based on emotional reactions. (k)Trickery. This method has an almost limitless number of variations. Its purpose is to cause the POW to divulge information without being aware of it, or without a conscious or willful choice in the matter. (l)Censoring.The mail of PsOW is censored. (m)Third Degree Methods. Third degree methods are used to break the PsOW. It is apparent from above that once captured as prisoner of war, the responsibility of a service person increases many folds and he must keep his mouth tightly shut to ensure that no information is leaked out. However, he must look normal and should not give impression of being in possession of full information. (n)Propaganda. The PsOW are given propaganda material to read, to hear from radio or from the TV to see to break them down and lower their spirits.This is done to bring their morale down to a certain level where they themselves will start giving information thinking their country might or already has lost the war. (p)Stupid interrogator. In this method the interrogator pretends to be a stupid individual with very little understanding of military or other matters. This device may have the desired effect of disarming the person interrogated. The POW is required to â€Å"explain†everything (Even inconsequential i tems) because the interrogator is so â€Å"stupid. †5. Variations. Any of the usual methods may be varied in many ways.Here are some variations which might fit into any of the categories of the methods listed in Para 4above. (a)Sympathy. (b)Sternness. (c)Pride and ego. (d)National pride. (e)Face saving. (f)Bluff. (g)Fear. (h)Drawing attention away from the real object. (j)Threat and rescue. Conclusion 6. There are many others; in fact, the variety of methods is limited only by the initiative, imagination, and ingenuity of the interrogator. The interrogation method should be tailored to suit each individual case, and may be combined with other methods to suit special requirements.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Renaissance Women, Hallmarks, Art
The Hallmarks of the Renaissance a. Individualism b. Secularism c. Antiquity d. Skepticism 2. Renaissance Art Renaissance Women – Men married younger women – Resulted in many widows – Women could inherit property – In charge of nurturing children O Some say that's why the arts.. – Upper class women enjoyed high degree of freedom – Still expected to obey husbands- still unequal Isabella detest (First Lady of the Renaissance) – Window – Leader of Mantra – Patron of the arts – Founds school of girls O Liberal arts O Learn poetry and literatureO Dancing – O Music O To entertain Catherine De Medici – Italian married into – Three sons became king of France – Controls the law – Architecture O Wing to the Louvre Laura Cerate – University of Pravda O Moral education – Wrote letters about life Christine De Paisa – â€Å"The City of Ladies†O Should carve out own place in society O If they don't give place in society, should leave and create our own The Hallmarks of the Renaissance Antiquity: a renewed interest in ancient Greek and roman civilizations. Italians copied the ancient Roman lifestyle The study of the Greek and Roman classics led to humanism Humanism: the attempt to understand human nature through a study of pagan antiquity and Christian thought. – humanists believed that there were no limits to what human beings could accomplish- HUMANS CAN DO ANYTHING! Individualism: Medieval people usually saw themselves as members of a group. (Asia- group; West- themselves) – Renaissance people believed in individual will and genius. Secularism: One becomes concerned with materialism rather than religion. – People became more concerned about money and the accumulation of wealth.Interested in pleasure and the enjoyment of life on Earth Renaissance Art Anatomy – humanism – Humanism was represented by a renewed interest in man – Expressed in art through a renewed interest in anatomy – Dad Vinci – dissected corpses illegally! – Michelangelo sculpture of David demonstrates the detailed attention paid to anatomy O Classical Greek style Perspective – vanishing point – Disappearing lines – Horizontal lines Antiquity – Greek and Roman Allegory of Spring The School of Athens O Plato and Aristotle O World up and down – Reading – Discussions Love of Nature
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Essay on Shakespeares Macbeth - The Mystery of Third...
Macbeth:nbsp; The Mystery of Third Murderernbsp;nbsp; Shakespeares play Macbeth incorporates many elements of mystery. nbsp;In particular, the mystery surrounding the identity of the Third Murderer in (III, iii, 79), which oddly enough has thirty-three lines in it, is a topic of debate in many conversations about Macbeth. The focus of this paper is on the identity of the Third Murderer and the facts and restrictions on the people suspected. Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Ross, and the Weird Sisters all have surfaced as the most prominent choices for the true identity of the anonymous Third Murderer. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The first person to come to mind when the identity of the Third Murderer is discussed, is Macbeth himself. Who better†¦show more content†¦Also, when the First Murderer is reporting to Macbeth, Macbeth asks if the duty had been done. Macbeths reaction to the report by the murderer is one of shock, definitely not the reaction it would have been if Macbeth were to partake in the event itself. Macbeth would not have asked if he had been there to witness and perhaps partake in the event. For these reasons and the fact that he would have to clean himself and get back to the banquet in time, Macbeth has too many restrictions for him to be the murderer. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Another possibility of the identity Third Murderer is Ross. Ross changes allegiances many times in the play, and because of this, he can not have any limits placed on him to what he could and could not have done if this were being analyzed from a loyalty point of view. After all, Macbeth killed Duncan even though he was a loyal follower. Ross covers for Macbeth at the party by saying that Macbeth is ill and that he acts strangely like this occasionally. There would be no reason to cover for Macbeth unless he did not have prior knowledge to the event. According to an earlier scene, Lady Macbeth is the only person, who is aware of the murder to come, which also incriminates her. From another article in a newsgroup, the author points out a very interesting conspiracy that could possibly link Ross to the Third Murderer. He says, I think that the most effective theory as to whoShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Dramatic Use of the Supernatural in Macbeth1013 Words  | 5 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Dramatic Use of the Supernatural in Macbeth Be sure to include the witches, the dagger, Banquos ghost, the apparitions and the Old man. There are many themes in Macbeth like ambition, loyalty and hypocrisy but Shakespeare has used the theme of the supernatural to create dramatic emphasis and suspicion. He has used the witches, dagger, Banquos ghost, the apparitions and the old man to create to add an element of the supernatural to Macbeth. 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