Saturday, May 23, 2020
Role Of Public Administrators During Protecting Civil...
Role of Public Administrators in Protecting Civil Liberties My overall reaction to the article written by Greenblatt, (2013), surrounding free speech was that of dismay because I would think that people would know what to say and what not to say. However, after reading the article, clearly with cyberspace it opens up several doors for hate speech, it opens door for people to just say anything without thought of being offensive or not, hateful or not, just because they can say it. According to Carter, (2012) there are positive and negative liberties. The article references free will and autonomy as it relates to two distinct kinds of liberty. They can be viewed in the political realm and seen as rival, incompatible interpretation of a single political ideal. As such with â€Å"freedom of speech†. Further, the article discusses political liberalism idea of liberty is that one claim to be in favor of a liberty then they should oppose limitations on activities of the state. The opposing view (negative) is the pursuit of liberty is self-realization or self-determination and can require state intervention which is not normally allowed by liberals. In essence it is about interference and who is at liberty to do whatever without interference. Looking at freedom of speech from this lens I would say collectively what is best? Though, In the US, we supposedly have freedom of speech supposedly that too is limited. There are certain things that I cannot say post 911. If I tweet orShow MoreRelatedDemocracy And The American Dream1358 Words  | 6 Pagesthe whole population of a state, typically through elected members. The original idea of democracy that America’s Founding Fathers promoted has shifted throughout the years. America was founded on the principles of freedom and liberty and many of these freedoms and liberties are being stripped away, or are at risk of being stripped away, by the American government. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Personal Statement Human Resources - 1042 Words
Human resources isn’t one of those careers little kids want to go into when they grow up. It is nothing like being a firefighter, police officer, doctor, or scientist. Looking back I realize that my interest in HR goes all the way back to middle school. My mother works at a hospital in their employee health services department and thought it would be a good idea for me to volunteer there. I worked in various departments throughout the hospital over the course of four summers, but my favorite, by far, was employee health services. I didn’t do much, aside from file and occasionally answer the phone, however I observed much of what the department did. They were heavily involved in the hiring and training of new employees, as well as helping resolve issues current employees were having. As I grew older, I developed more of my â€Å"people skills†and became more experienced in resolving conflicts I had, as well as of those around me. I joined the swim team and was elected captain during my senior year of high school. I was a terrible swimmer so this captaincy had very little to do with my swimming skills, and more to do with my empatheti c personality and ability to motivate others. I thrived as captain. I loved leading my team and helping resolve conflicts whenever they cropped up. Being captain of the swim team was one of my favorite high school experiences. Once I graduated, I was unsure what I wanted to go into. I threw some environmental science major down on my applicationShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : Human Resource Management1332 Words  | 6 PagesI strongly believe that every success begins sequentially with a dream, a plan, and confidence in your skills obtained through past experiences. I secondly believe that your career choice should reflect the life you lead. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Evolution of Chil Custody Arrangements Free Essays
The Evolution of Child Custody Arrangements Heather Gibson Southern New Hampshire University When a family splits, separates, divorces or a child is born out of wed lock for whatever reason one of the most difficult decisions to make are custody arrangements. Over the years the government has shifted its views from the child’s mother being the best fir for primary custody to â€Å"the best interest†of the child. What’s in the best interest of the child consists of both tangible and non-tangible things. We will write a custom essay sample on The Evolution of Chil Custody Arrangements or any similar topic only for you Order Now The necessities include the ability to provide food, shelter and a a safe environment are important but also the stability of the parent psychologically and their mental health also begins to become part of the importance to the child. The person who has legal custody over a child is the person who makes import decisions in the child’s life. The determination of who should have custody in a child custody battle has become highly problematic over the years. Maternal preference was given as the best fit for the child. The mother was deemed more nurturing and caring as a parent. The United States held this idea for many years. In the world around them women were fighting for equal rights and in turn making men equal in the work force as well as a parent. The increase of divorces in the mid 1900’s and women going in the workforce led to the courts deciding what was in the best interest of the child rather than who was more motherly and nurturing. Another change that came about was the idea of joint custody, rather than sole custody. Today child custody can be as simple as two parents making the decision to share custody or on the opposite end the legal batter of who’s the better parent. Forensic psychologists help in informing the judge of who (unbiased) is the better parent or if joint custody would work out for the best interest of the child. They go through different competency evaluations, may visit the home or investigate further to determine custody. Although it seems women are still chosen as the better parent trend have shifted and men have a better chance at sole custody. Another evolution that has evolved is the familiarization of gay rights as parents. It is still unclear as it is emerging but it is food for thought. How to cite The Evolution of Chil Custody Arrangements, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Foundation For Toyota Best Automobile Brand -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Foundation For Toyota Best Automobile Brand? Answer: Introduction As the number of businesses increases globally, so is competition in every sector thus making research a fundamental requirement every business must conduct so as to retain its market position. The automobile industry has been at the forefront of this initiative due to the increasing competition as well as pressure from social, political and environmental fronts. This has resulted in Automobile companies needing to adopt major reforms aimed at addressing the concerns but these have only been possible through the application of in-depth research (Wickham, 2016). For this analysis, the company Toyota shall be analysed to determine research strategies applied by the company with regard to addressing social, political and environmental concerns raised in recent years. While the pressure has been intense on most automobile companies, Toyota has demonstrated the most adaptability with regard to adopting the changes thus making it the most suitable research subject to be used in this analysis. Toyota has been in operation since 1956 and grown to be among the largest automobile companies globally thus placing it at the forefront of addressing social corporate initializes (Chambers, 2018). The company has also experienced several scandals in the past which have highlighted the companys reputation which further makes the company attractive to perform an applied research study to determine important approaches adopted by the company to address the social, political and environmental pressures experienced by the company References: Wickham, H. (2016). ggplot2: elegant graphics for data analysis. Springer. Chambers, J. M. (2018).Graphical methods for data analysis. CRC Press.
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