Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Joondalup Planning Strategy
Question: Explain The Joondalup planning strategy. Answer: The Joondalup planning strategy is an important strategic planning document that will be used by the city in future planning and development. The planning strategy report for Joondalup city has been prepared based on all the requirements of the City as they are found in the Act on Planning and Development. The main aim of this report is to create a planning strategy that will allow the community to determine the planning and vision framework that Joondalup city will use in the next few years. The plan involves preparation and assessment of the land to be developed, and the policies and strategies that need to be followed. The plan will include some key areas starting from the introduction which provides the citys background and history, the key issues and areas that need development including tourism, leisure and recreation, and the population growth. This plan is aimed at the use of the public consultation. It develops the issue of hospitality through analysis of the population growth. Building the citys new identity is important, but first, the past and history of the city are put into consideration. In summary, the community believes that the cultural heritage of the city should be protected, and the planning scheme should include the majority of the cultural sites and structures. Also, proper recreational sites are important in the creation of vibrant inner city lifestyle for the community and the visitors. Introduction The City of Joondalup is estimated to be 16 kilometers from the Perth city center in the southwest part. For the early Western Australian history, Fremantle was one of the major cities since it was established as a port for Swan River. The city is key for the fast growing metropolitan area region; it has been identified as a center for regional activities by the state government(Forster 2014 p.87). It provides commercial and recreational services for the community and visitors. The City covers an area of 10,300 hectares. The suburbs located in the municipality include Hillarys, Kallaroo, Joonndalup, Edgewater, and Greenwood among others. The number of residents in the city is approximately 160,000 people. Joondalup economy has been focusing on port-related aspects, general manufacturing, commercial services, fishing industries, and recreation. However, other sectors have been growing for example entertainment, tourism, business services, and education. The citys strategic plan will focus on Governance, citys environment, the economic growth, and the communitys health and wellbeing. Purpose for the planning strategy This planning report is required to set out long term, and short term planning directions for Joondalup city and provide guidelines to be used by the municipality in the implementation of the plan. The three main purposes are to set out a proper framework for the development of land use in Joondalup, provide a context for future planning and statutory provisions, and provision of strategic directions for future populations. These strategic directions include directions for housing, transport, business activities and land development. This report is aimed at providing an integrated strategy on tourism, hospitality, and leisure activities within the selected area to be redeveloped in Joondalup. It depends on several documents including: Local Planning Policies Joondalup Planning strategy which determines planning and land use in the city City plan which covers the communitys vision of Fremantle City planning scheme. Other Council strategies that will be used to work with, guide and add on this plan for public consultations include the draft Transport Strategy, Economic Development Strategy, Fremantle Green Plan, Recreation Policy and Strategy, Blueprint, Cultural Policy and Plan, and Youth and Aged Strategies. Community consultation based on planning issue papers were distributed for getting inputs from the community. Advertisement of the initiative issues was done in local papers and letterboxes in the district. Council considered the outcomes of the surveys and the results used to inform this strategy. Tourism From the uniqueness of its wetlands that are pristine, the centaly located bush regions, and the regions located in the coast coastal areas, Joondalup city is fruitful in aesthetic nature and attractiveness. In addition to the natural features, there are some important developments includingthe Joondalup Resort, Hillary Marina and those done in the city center. All these human made have brought tourists both domestically and internationally to the city to experience the fun. The plan proposed and published in the development plan set aside for tourism for the city of Joondalup. The main purpose of the plan is, provide all involve parties a proper review and assessment of the citys tourism sector and it is aimed at guiding decision-making on tourism planning(Singh, Timothy Dowling 2012 p.114). The citys coastal area is the main part that provides opportunities for tourism development. The concept plan used in this report is the one considered in consultation with all the stakeholders in the tourism industry, community members and leaders, and the leaders of the state in order to developselected area to a great facility with many recreational options. The developed facility is aimed at catering for community needs and providing a structured plan for the land component that is to be developed. The tourism industry of the city is aimed to grow to a sustainable level and with the help of this tourism development plan, need the plan to provide proper accommodation in the future. (Dissart 2015 p.23). The proposed marina will be put through in-depth planning and environmental reviews, and if it is approved, it will be a major Strategic Tourism Site and Activity Centre. Some issues need to be reviewed before the development of the tourism site; ensuring that there is an adequate supply and range of accommodation for supporting the development of the industry sector in the city. Also, after the approvals on planning and the environment development are provided, development and planning of the site selected on structural basis should be able to maximize the commercial and job creation opportunities. A map showing tourism cites in Joondalup. Recreational sites and activities The coordination of public utility planning is through the Metropolitan Development Program. The program incorporates statistics of the projected development in the process of resource allocation to meet the needs and demands of the citys population (Mull, BeggsRenneisen2014 p.78). Joondalup city has many aspects of the natural environment that is both developed and underdeveloped for example the stretch from Burns Beach to Marmion which is more than 17 kilometres. Also, Joondalup city tries to maintain passive and active parks used for leisure activities. Some of the recreational features present in Joondalup include natural bushlands, wetlands, and the coastal areas. Some significant open spaces and parks found in and around Joondalup city include Arena Joondalup, Ocean Reef Harbour for boats, and the reserve located in Percy Doyle just to name a few.Some recent developments that have been put in place in the city include Edgewater Quarry, Arena Joondalup, and Burns Beach. With the se new developments, the city will be able to accommodate other needs and demands of the city in the future. Within the city, four main leisure activityareas exist, including one with the great range of facilities known as Craigie Leisure centre. Others include Warwick, Duncraig, and Healthdrrige leisure centres. Within the city, many playing courts can be found for example bowling alleys, tennis courts, and ovals. All these courts are found in the reserves and parks. Other facilities that are mainly local and playgrounds can be found in all the citys reserves and parks. Also, the city also has private recreational areas including the large golf course found in the resort and country club and Joondalup Arena.To accommodate future demand from the community and tourists new development at Joondalup Arena is being done and this proposed plan will try creating a framework for this development. This plan entails the Community Development Strategy that includes planning for leisure and recreational activities that will help the city to produce strategies and objectives about the wellbeing of the community. The Leisure Plan points out future frameworks for recreational and leisure purposes within the selected piece of land near the CBD of Joondalup city. The plan tries to balance active and passive leisure activities in the city by being able to identify future outcomes for Recreation in Joondalup city and this is through effective and efficient management of infrastructure and ensuring that recreational sites are high quality. The city council will surely endorse this plan as it did in2008, where it approved the Citys Master Plan to be used in improving leisure and recreational sites, sport and Joondalup Citys infrastructure. During that year, some of the recreational sites that were selected to undergo the planning process were the Edgewater Quarry and Percy Doyle Reserve. In this proposed plan, the focus was made on the master plan developed for Edgewater Quarry; the project will aim at assessing Edgewater Quarry in relation with the reason of improvements and developments to accommodate the demands and needs of the community in future. The projected plan will involve the community extensively in regard to consultation to gain information of how the people will prefer the quarry to be developed in future. The results that are being expected from this projected plan include an estimate of the costs to be used in the plan, a construction process that is staged, and the design concept. Other issues that will be addressed in the proposed project plan based on the land development near the CBD is the construction of tennis courts for leisure purposes. The development of the land will be important in addressing the following issues: with the changing demographics of the city, there is a need for new developments in the recreational sector to accommodate future demands. Secondly, there is a need for facility maintenance and renewal. Finally, will the city be able to deal with the issue of water shortages about maintaining the open spaces? Joondalup population Perth Metropolitans population growth has been rapid over the last few the early 1970s, about half of the population growth in Perth Region was based in the city of Joondalup but there was a slower rate of population growth as we approached the 1980s. The suburban area is the main part of the city that encountered this development pattern. The development was mainly in local shopping centres, schools including both primary and secondary schools, and the local air space (Friedman 2011 p.45). There has been increase in residential development and town centres over the past twenty years. Joondalup city has more than 10% of the whole of the Metropolitan region of Perth. How Joondalups city population is expected to grow from 1996 to 2031 By the year 2006, the Northern side of Perth region, which includes Joondalup city and Wanneroo city, had 273,000 people. Growth of the population is expected over the next few years.More than 20% of the people in 2015 were between the ages 1 to 17, and more than 10% were people more than 60 years, this was in comparison to about24% and 16% for the whole Perth Region. This can be shown in the graph below: To 2006, there was a rise in the median age of the population from 33 years to 36 years. Structure change in age for Joondalup city between 2001 and 2006 There has been a clear decline in the number of youth including both young adults and the children that are a little bit older. However, older people numbers are projected to increase within the same year. For the Metropolitan areas there is expected to be general ageing of the population with rapid changes in the city. The projected distribution of age for the years 2006 to 2031amily structures and households in Joondalup city has pointed out the function and purpose of the residential part of the area. More than 50% of Joondalup households by the year 2006 included couples who had children and this was more as compared to the whole Perth region.This proposed project plan is aimed at addressing several important issues in the growth of population in Joondalup. One of the issues is how to accommodate the growing population of Joondalup, placement of future households for proper planning, and provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure improvements. With the rise in population in the city, there is need for proper planning and development and some aspects that need to be considered include commercial space designed for the service sector, proper access for pedestrians, safe and vibrant city, provision of space and art programs, and employment opportunities for the residents. The proposed plan will cater for this by providing a leisure and recreational facility and a tourism cite on the selected site near the CBD. With proper planning of the city there will be ensured proper and easy access to and from the city. Job creation and impacts on the citys economy. The local economy of Joondalup city is dependent on the functions of the city centre, which is the located strategically to serve as a regional centre. The regional centre is for the North West side of the region. Joondalup City Centre has its strengths cantered in sectors including education, retail, community services, and retail. These sectors creates more than half of the jobs for Joondalup city. Other job creation areas in the city include the industrial area in Joondalup, the gate Whitefoord town centre, Hillarys harbor for the boats among others. Understanding the residence of people provide a necessary platform for planning. This is where issues of capacity and compliance to regulations are addressed. Any planner will wish to have a right mix of information that links him or her to the needed work. Hence, the need to have the right understanding of where people live. The self sufficiency of the local job creation there were some projections that 60% of created jobs will be allocated to the workers that are based locally. With this proposed plan, there is expected job opportunities for the residents of Joondalup, as the recreational facilities that will be constructed in the site will need workers. In addition, other sectors such as the tourism sector will also provide employment opportunities for the residents. This means that any development on the citys land will create jobs for the people thus improving the citys economy. Although it looks overambitious to pursue this path of development, it is important to work on it as a long-term strategy. Planning for future is all that is needed when handling such projects. It will be essential for the southwest corridor with all its sectors especially the industrial base. In addition, recent data has shown that the self-sufficiency level and the rate of employment in the North West region is 40% while the self-containment level and employment rate is 30% in comparison with 60% and 50% for Southern side of the Metropolitan region After preview and approval of the project, there is a need for monitoring to allow for smooth implementation. 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